Idaho District UPCI

From the Superintendent

Welcome to the Idaho District of the UPCI, where we have a thriving and growing group of Ministers and Churches.

From the great city of Lewiston, at an elevation of 713, at the area where the Snake and the Clearwater rivers merge, on their way to the Columbia River, and up to the elevation of 12,662 feet at the top of Borah Peak, Idaho offers a wide range of mountainous beauty. Known for its Potatoes which grow primarily along the Snake River Plain in southern Idaho, where many other crops are also grown, such as dry beans, corn in abundance, onions, mint, alfalfa, and a wide range of fruit, from apples, plums apricots, pears, peaches, and nectarines. In other areas of Idaho there are many other industries, timber, mining, many employment opportunities exist in most of the state.

The Apostolic faith church has a long history in the state of Idaho, from the early 1920’s, the message of One God, and Jesus Name Baptism has been proclaimed in our great state. Many of the churches that were in Idaho in those early years, were affiliated with the Pentecostal Church Inc. (PCI). Other various groups throughout the country went by different names, trying and striving to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the year 1931, the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) and the Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ merged forming the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC).

In the year 1945, the PCI and the PAJC merged, forming what is now called the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI). Both organizations are a continuation of the great revival that began on the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem, A.D. 33, and is founded upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief cornerstone.

There have been many events with much history since that time in 1945 when the UPCI was formed. As with every district in our organization, there have been times when great victory was experienced, and times when struggle was obvious. However, there has been a movement in the forward direction, for which we are grateful. Some of the churches presently in the Idaho District have been a part of the UPCI since its beginning and constituents of ours have roots even further back to the 1920s.

There have been numerous changes along the way, what started in 1945, was known as The Northwest District of the UPCI, was separated in 1965, to become 4 separate districts. At that time the state of Idaho became a district of its own, with the boundaries of the state, creating the boundaries of the district. The leadership has obviously changed many times over the years, many, if not all, of those who were part of the Northwest District, have passed away. Men such as Emmanuel Rohn, C.H. Yadon, Steve Yadon, Norman Rutzen, Earl Johnson, John Mascroft, and Jerry Holt have been District Superintendents. In 2017, Rev Nathaniel Hampton was elected and has served until now.

As time has advanced, technology, travel, and communication have also advanced very rapidly. These advances have brought about a much greater ability to reach every culture, every region, and every city. These items still seem to be our greatest challenges, and while it may seem plausible to focus on those of like culture as we are, and to those around our present vicinity, God has commissioned us to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” when we accept the call of God to GO, we must also accept the challenge to bridge into every culture, reach into every region, and city, and proclaim with boldness, that THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST is still the Power of God unto Salvation. And the only hope the world has, comes through the obedience of The Word of God.

We presently have 25 churches throughout the district. So ... there is much room to expand, and many beautiful cities with NO APOSTOLIC CHURCH. We need Men who are not afraid to accept the challenges of starting and building churches. The Boise Metro area is recognized for Metro-Missions, meaning we are actively searching for new church pastors. Every county (44) and city need this Apostolic message - the Harvest is truly white and ready for the Laborers. Please prayerfully consider joining us to reach Idaho!

If you cannot join us in reaching this great state with Gods truths, please join us in prayer, that He will send forth, qualified individuals, and ministers, to assist in this great effort. Pray also that wisdom will be given to all involved, so that we can facilitate “The Will of God” in Idaho.

God bless each of you, and should God direct you to consider Idaho as your field of labor, I would encourage you to contact us, let’s talk and see if you might be a fit, to help reach our world with the Gospel.

Rev. Nathaniel Hampton
Idaho District Superintendent

District Board

nathaniel hampton
Nathaniel Hampton


virgil alldritt
Virgil Alldritt


carl buddy jones
Carl Jones

Presbyter Section 1

david punzel
David Punzel

Presbyter Section 2

christopher paolini
Christopher Paolini

Presbyter Section 3

jerry holt
Jerry Holt

Honorary Presbyter

john crawford
John Crawford

Honorary Presbyter