Resources for Life!
Visit our Resources page where you can find everything from UPCI endorsed Bible colleges to specialized professional organizations. Maybe you need assistance with adoptions or would like to find resources for overcoming addictions. Find, sort and filter licensed clinical counselors, volunteer organizations and other endorsed entities here.

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ABLE Ministry
ABLE is dedicated to assisting the Special Needs and Disabled populations within the church and the community. It begins with open hearts, open minds, and love by pastors, ministers, and congregations.
Visit WebsiteApostolic Chamber of Commerce
The Apostolic Chamber of Commerce provides a platform for Apostolic businesses to prosper and succeed. With an emphasis on business development, legal defense, education and young professionals, an business can find value and help in a friendly Apostolic environment.
Visit WebsiteApostolic Healthcare International
Apostolic Healthcare International offers fellowship, mentoring, encouragement, support, and legal covering to healthcare professionals. They also accomplish domestic and international medical missions & disaster relief.
Visit WebsiteApostolic Legal Association
The Apostolic Legal Association is a new endeavor to promote networking, continuing education, referrals, and kingdom support in churches and/or districts. This organization is open to anyone who are lawyers, law students, paralegals and/any other legal professionals.
Visit WebsiteApostolic Moral Purity
Apostolic Moral Purity (AMP) is a confidential community of believers committed to empowering Christians to experience deliverance from lust and pornography and find healing for sexual brokenness. AMP believes no one should feel alone in the battle for moral purity; thus, it provides various anonymous and confidential forums that allow for open and honest discussion, testimonies, and support.
Visit WebsiteApostolic Youth Corps
Apostolic Youth Corps is a branch of UPCI Youth Ministries that facilitates the pairing of ministry-minded Pentecostal students with North American and international sites which need and desire evangelism assistance. AYC candidates will assist Global Missionaries and North American Missionaries.
Visit WebsiteAssociates in Missions (AIM)
Being an extra pair of hands has led to countless unexpected ministry opportunities. If you’re not a preacher or teacher, that’s okay. Don’t have much experience? We get that. Give us your hands. We need them. And bring a friend with you if you can.
Visit WebsiteAssociation of Children’s Evangelists
Children's Evangelists are vital for growth. With passionate Children's Evangelists across the globe, our directory can lead you to a connection that changes your church for years to come.
Visit WebsiteBoys Ranch
Lighthouse Ranch for Boys serves young men 12 to 17 years of age who have been affected by abuse, neglect, and troubled home lives. Since its founding in 1979, over 1,000 boys have found a safe, stable, and nurturing environment at the Ranch where they can focus on their education and emotional healing.
Visit WebsiteBuilding The Bridge
Building the Bridge provides resources and training for reaching the African American community and increasing urban evangelism while facilitating successful cross-cultural assimilation into the church. This ministry is part of Church Advancement.
Visit WebsiteCampus Ministry International
Since its inception in 1990, CMI has sought to provide the framework and resources necessary for local Apostolic churches and students to reach one of the most untapped mission fields in North America. With nearly 22 million college students walking the halls of over 4,400 campuses, there is an open door for increased evangelistic efforts that bring the Gospel message to these hungry students.
Visit WebsiteCenter for Apostolic Counseling
The Center for Apostolic Counseling provides counseling & therapeutic services from an Apostolic worldview by State-licensed mental health professionals (LPC, LMSW, LCSW, LMFT, and others).
Visit WebsiteCentro Teologico Ministerial
Centro Teológico Ministerial is an institution dedicated to preparing leaders for the Service of God. The faculty are fully trained and specialize in each area in which they teach. This is an in-person training institute in Pasadena, Texas.
Visit WebsiteChildren’s Ministries
This is the official Children's ministry of the UPCI. They organize Save Our Children (SOC) Holy Ghost Rallies in the United States and internationally. They fund the construction and support of orphanages overseas. Junior Bible Quizzing, the BREAD Bible reading program, the Association of Children’s Evangelists directory, and TrainUp conference (Training Those That Minister to Children) are additional parts of this ministry.
Visit WebsiteChristian Life College
With a mission to equip men and women to become influential servant-leaders, CLC is a fully-accredited college offering Associate and Bachelor degrees.
Visit WebsiteChristian Prisoner Ministry
Christian Prisoner Ministry is a nonprofit ministry extending the hope and power of the gospel to over 7.3 million people currently behind bars, on probation, or on parole in North America’s criminal justice system, as well as to their families.
Since 1982 CPM has trained and certified more than 3,000 volunteers for ministry in the correctional environment. Through CPM, you can contact a network of certified chaplains trained and dedicated to reaching your friends, family, and neighbors behind bars or in transitional living facilities.
Visit WebsiteChristian Service Training Institute
CSTI offers many courses to help the lay leader or pastor increase their grasp of the Word of God. Courses are available such as: Hermeneutics, Children’s Ministry Dynamics, Scriptural Authority and Church Organization, Lay Ministry, Church History and much more…
Visit WebsiteChurch In A Day
Church in a Day is a program in which skilled laborers and an abundance of volunteers converge on a plot of land, and in less than 24 hours have a functional church built. The money saved in construction costs places the new church far ahead of the curve. Church in a Day is an amazing feat, and has been featured on media outlets throughout the country.
Visit WebsiteCompassion Services International
Compassion Services International sends medical teams around the world to the poor and needy, teams to assist with catastrophic natural disasters, teachers to teach computer skills and languages internationally, and teams to offer humanitarian aid with food, clean water and hygiene education.
Visit WebsiteCovenant Eyes
Porn Is a Human Problem. We Provide a Human Solution. Covenant Eyes helps you and the ones you love live porn-free through transformative accountability relationships.
Visit WebsiteDiscipleship Now
Discipleship Now is an online service where you can unlock an incredible library of Apostolic Media for personal discipleship. Launch small groups with ease. Discipleship Now is designed for anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Visit WebsiteFamily Ministries
The UPCI Family Ministries Council is a cooperative effort of Youth Ministries, Ladies Ministries, Men's Ministries, Children's Ministries, and the Office of Education and Endorsement. Our mission is to coordinate the efforts of the UPCI’s focused ministries to children, youth, ladies, and men in order to serve our families holistically.
Visit WebsiteFlorida Apostolic Bible Center
Florida Apostolic Bible Center equips individuals who are passionate about ministry and desire to gain tools to enrich their divine call. Through traditional classrooms, online learning, workshops and hands-on ministry experience, students will not only learn about the harvest, they will be ready to reap the harvest.
Visit WebsiteGenesis Institute
Genesis serves as a centre for online Apostolic education with a mission to educate and equip for ministry. Through a diploma program, students will be involved in practicums that touch on building the spiritual health in their communities, enables our students to take ministry to the streets of their local communities.
Visit WebsiteGlobal Missions
This is the national Global Missions UPCI website. Global Missions exists to take the "whole gospel to the whole world, by the whole church." Our mission is that every tribe and nation will know the name of Jesus. Find specific missionary information here, such as images, bios, and other downloadable/print resources.
Visit WebsiteHope Divorce & Crisis Ministry
Hope Ministry’s focus is to provide a network of loving support and resources for women in divorce crisis. This network is made up of professional women who voluntarily minister in the area of divorce and separation. Hope Ministry also provides encouragement, prayer and resources for guidance through painful life transitions, separation, divorce and the trauma of abuse.
Visit WebsiteHyphen Ministry
Hyphen is the young adult ministry of the UPCI Youth Ministries. The target demographic for this ministry are young adults, ages 18-30, who graduated from high school and are single. Hyphen exists to connect young adults to service, with purpose, through resources, for a mission!
Visit WebsiteImpact Community
The Impact Community exists to resource, fund, and coach ministry families in planting impact-making churches. The Impact Community is an endorsed ministry of the United Pentecostal Church International and is an official partner of the North American Missions Department of the UPCI.
Visit WebsiteIndiana Bible College
Young people from across the country, and even around the world, come to Indiana Bible College to allow God to shape their hearts by the Word of God. In addition, the outstanding college faculty and curriculum shape these young people into future ministers and workers for God’s Kingdom. We invite you to take a look inside the Indiana Bible College ministry; who we are, what we offer, and what we stand for. Then, if you like what you see, we hope you will allow God to shape your own life through the IBC experience.
Visit WebsiteInside Out Webzine
Pentecostal teens can read about culturally relevant issues from a biblical perspective in this webzine produced exclusively by the UPCI Youth Ministries. INSIDEOUT features theme-based articles, book and music reviews, interviews, devotions, student ministry profiles, and much more!
Visit WebsiteInternational Association of Apostolic Educators
The establishment of an International Association of Apostolic Educators (IAAE) was for the purpose of bringing together a network of PreK-12th grade Apostolic educators and business professionals from all over the globe. The IAAE includes early childhood to adult educators who work in a variety of settings such as churches, preschools, elementary, middle schools, high schools, adult training programs, homes and colleges.
Visit WebsiteJr. Bible Quizzing
This is the national Junior Bible Quizzing resource. Junior Bible Quizzing began in the United Pentecostal Church International in 1982. This ministry is the real life application of Deut. 6:7. “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
Visit WebsiteLadies Ministries
This is the national Ladies Ministries UPCI resource. The mission of Ladies Ministries is to equip and mobilize Apostolic ladies of the world for service in the kingdom of God; to maintain a spirit of cooperation with the various ministries of the organization; to preserve Apostolic doctrine; and to maintain and transmit the heritage of the past to the present and future generations through teaching and by example.
Visit WebsiteLadies Prayer International
Ladies Prayer Int’l. is made up of women worldwide, who meet on the first Monday of each month to pray focused prayer for the children of the local church community. We are committed to the spiritual preservation of this generation and beyond and the spiritual restoration of previous generations.
Visit WebsiteLaunch Church Planting Solutions
Launch is more than a training program. It is a church planting solution that will assist and confront the ever-increasing challenges that church planters face. This initiative will allow missionaries the opportunity to receive in-depth training and special financing opportunities that will assist them to 'launch'.
Visit WebsiteLife In Focus Education
Life in Focus Education offers charitable community service to people in need regardless of language, status, or culture. The dedicated efforts of trained men and women provide resourceful seminars, one-on-one teaching, and support groups to help rebuild communities one person at a time. Areas include: ACTS Drug Education, Finance Management, Marriage, Anger Management, Employment Development, and Parenting.
Visit WebsiteLifeline Connect Treatment Center
Lifeline Connect is a Christian faith-based solution to life-controlling drug and alcohol additions. Our mission is to help men rebuild their lives spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially. This residential learning center provides a healthy and stable environment where men are able to focus on their recovery and receive the community support they need.
Visit WebsiteLifeSprings
LifeSprings is comprised of successful business professionals, business owners, leaders, entrepreneurs and most anyone who has a shared vision to financially support the Kingdom. The membership talent, expertise and resources are leveraged to help Build or Acquire companies where the CEO / Business owners are agreeable to contribute 50% of their company’s net profits to the UPF.
Visit WebsiteMen’s Ministries
This is the national Men's Ministries UPCI resource. Men's Ministries seeks to equip men everywhere to discover their purpose, power, and place. Here you can find information about the Dominion Bible study, devotionals and other timely resources.
Visit WebsiteMetro Missions
Metro Missions exists to facilitate and promote church planting in North America’s largest, most densely populated cities. A Metro Missionary goes into an urban area to reach souls and establish churches, and is supported by partners. For over 25 years, Metro Missions has been a successful tool of evangelism for the United Pentecostal Church.
Visit WebsiteMilitary Chaplaincy
Military chaplaincy is a way to support your community, state, and country. Chaplains provide marriage and family counseling, serve as a staff chaplains at medical facilities, correctional facilities, or combat hospitals, become instructors at officer service schools, and/or get advanced training for additional duties for specialized areas and locations.
Visit WebsiteMinisters Retirement Fund
The Ministers’ Retirement Fund provides a place for ministers to invest finances for their future retirement years.
Visit WebsiteMinistry Central
Ministry Central is the official UPCI online resource designed to develop and enhance your ministry. There are specific training areas for: Music Ministry, Teacher Certification, Continuing Education, Christian Ministry License Training, Christian Prisoner Ministry, North American Missions, Safe Church, Cultural Diversity Training, Launch Your Ministry, Multicultural Ministries, Occupational Chaplains Association, Youth Ministry Training, UPCI Ministerial Credentials Training, and more!
Visit WebsiteMore to Life Bible Studies
More to Life creates resources that build your relationship with God and others; encourages opportunities for sharing the Gospel; and focuses on Bible-based content with practical applications. This series of studies is a proven, effective tool for reaching friends, family, co-workers, and others with a greater understanding of God’s plan of salvation.
Visit WebsiteMulticultural Ministries
Multicultural Ministries is dedicated to effective strategies for evangelism, discipleship, and training to help reach the many cultural groups of North America. This ministry is part of Church Advancement.
Visit WebsiteMusic Ministry
UPCI Music Ministry not only provides you with training, but also access to resources such as monthly songs, charts, drum loops and pre-recorded vocal mp3’s for your ministry team!
Visit WebsiteMyHopeRadio
MyHopeRadio is the internet radio broadcast of the United Pentecostal Church International. MyHopeRadio streams Apostolic artists 24/7 on 20 different stations, and offers free mobile apps for streaming Apostolic music while on the go.
Visit WebsiteNational Apostolic Christian Leadership Conference
The NACLC mission is to develop and implement a strategic alliance of Apostolic organizations to foster unity amongst us and meaningful interactions with others. Such an alliance will assist in effectively influencing local, state and national policy through the cultivation of relationships with elected leaders, appointed department heads, state agencies and other government entities and contacts.
Visit WebsiteNew Beginnings
At New Beginnings, their mission is “Promoting life and new beginnings for children, birth mothers and families through parenting education and adoption.” With New Beginnings, no one has to face an unwanted pregnancy alone. Caring staff help women understand their options, answer questions, and help them find hope for their future and the future of each baby.
Visit WebsiteNonprofit Translation Solutions
Often people who are bilingual find it challenging to translate written documents. Yet, they may not have the time or money to take a university translation program at this time. Liane R. Grant walks bilinguals through the paradigm shifts that enable them to think like a translator, so they can produce high-quality translations without feeling frustrated. This system works in any language!
Visit WebsiteNorth American Missions
North American Missions partners with established churches, and their focus is fourfold: Promotion (spotlighting the harvest field and the harvest workers), Training (equipping church planters for their most important and challenging task), Administration (ensuring all church planters are operating with biblical and organizational accountability), and Sending (raising and allocating funds to support church).
Visit WebsiteNorth American Youth Congress
North American Youth Congress (NAYC) is the premier youth conference of the United Pentecostal Church. Thousands of young people attend this meeting and are exposed to inspiring preaching, teaching, singing, and great fellowship! NAYC takes place biennially in a city in North America and is anticipated with much excitement by young people and youth workers of the UPCI.
Visit WebsiteNorth Texas Christian College
More than just another college. NTCC is here to equip today's leaders, where they are, to minister now. Offering online and hybrid classes, our mission is to provide students with Apostolic higher education to evangelize the lost and equip the church.
Visit WebsiteNortheast Christian College
Northeast Christian College exists to enlist and educate students for ministry, and to perfect, edify and unite that ministry for revival, world evangelism and discipleship. Northeast offers both theological and practical training for its students. Each student benefits from our ministry trips and instructors who are currently involved in various ministries across Canada.
Visit WebsiteOccupational Chaplains Association
A chaplain attends to spiritual and emotion needs of people through conducting religious services, pastoral discussion, encouraging individuals in understanding themselves, interpreting theological/moral issues and ethical questions, visiting the sick and those in crises. A chaplain is prepared and ready to help is disaster situations bridging the gap between suffering people and a merciful God.
Visit WebsiteOffice of Education & Endorsement
The Office of Education & Endorsement's mission is to preserve apostolic doctrine, experience, and practice in the endorsed educational, training, and ministerial projects of the United Pentecostal Church International. This includes: Higher Education, Elementary & Secondary Education, Military Chaplaincy, Ministry Training, Clinical Chaplaincy, General Ministries Training, and Apostolic Educators Conference.
Visit WebsiteOrder of the Faith
The Order of the Faith, established in 2002, is the United Pentecostal Church International's prestigious award honoring outstanding achievement and exemplary service to the UPCI. New members are decided upon by the Executive Committee, and are inducted at the annual general conference of the UPCI, held during the fall.
Visit WebsitePentecostal Life Magazine
Pentecostal Life is the official monthly paper publication of the UPCI. Each month, timely and relevant articles are released within a monthly theme. A monthly subscription is required. You may preview the latest version in digital form on their website.
Visit WebsitePentecostal Publishing House
This is the official publishing arm of the UPCI. Here you can find curriculum, books, Bibles, Bible studies, church supplies, media, and other resources in print and digital formats.
Visit WebsitePoints of Refuge
The Points of Refuge ministry is committed to exalting Jesus Christ in purity and righteousness through giving encouragement, confidential guidance and support to hurt and wounded people in ministry. We commit ourselves in a spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood to come alongside ministers, ministers’ spouses and missionaries around the globe when life has become overwhelming and shattering.
Visit WebsiteProject 7 Bible Clubs
Project 7 (P7) is a free resource for students to start Bible Clubs at their High School and Middle School campuses. P7 Clubs are student led and driven and are an opportunity for students to participate in a spiritually-inspired, relationship-driven, community-serving project in their school. If you are interested in starting or joining a P7 club, make the pledge to be a P7 Missionary!
Visit WebsitePure Ministry
Pure Ministry’s mission is to embrace the Pentecostal heritage and revelation of godliness, and to impart these truths to all generations in love (II Corinthians 7:1). To retain our identity in the world as His chosen people, set apart and called to walk in a way that reveals God’s nature in our lifestyle and attire.
Visit WebsitePurpose Institute
Purpose Institute is a ministry training institution that partners with local Apostolic trainers anywhere in the world. PI enables trainers to develop leader’s ministry skills and to clarify their individual purpose. Purpose Institute supports the local mission by providing curriculum and systems that are adaptable and accessible ministry training resources.
Visit WebsiteReach Out America
We ASSIST the less fortunate with food, clothing, medical, and other provisions. We TRAIN organizations and individuals in rescue, setting up and managing Points of Distribution, cleanup & mucking out after natural disasters, and FEMA registration for disaster assistance. We EDUCATE through working with nonprofit, religious, governmental, and educational organizations to implement programs to prioritize the mission of ROA. We COLLABORATE with our national, state, and local partners to bring as many resources as possible to recover damaged lives.
Visit WebsiteReflections Magazine
Reflections Magazine is a bi-monthly publication to biblically encourage, equip, and empower women for Apostolic life and service. Although you can receive sample articles, you must subscribe to receive the magazine.
Visit WebsiteSafe Church
SafeChurch UPCI is an initiative that has been under development since September 2021. It is designed to provide training and resources to prevent abuse in church, and to minister to victims of abuse. These resources are intended to support churches in developing appropriate policies and procedures that will protect, guide, and create a culture of safety.
Visit WebsiteSecond Chance Network
Get the resources you need to grow your church! Get your leaders the right tools and resources so they can be more effective at serving in your church. Healthy Churches has all of these available for your team.
Visit WebsiteSingle Adult Ministry
Single Adult Ministry provides opportunities for spiritual growth and social networking through a variety of annual events. This ministry is part of Church Advancement.
Visit WebsiteSISTERS Military Ministry
S.I.S.T.E.R.S Ministry is for women in the military and their families. This ministry provides: encouragement for life’s situations, help to renew and strengthen commitment to God, and a reminder that others offer support through prayer.
Visit WebsiteSpanish Evangelism Ministries
Spanish Evangelism Ministries UPCI provides structure, training, and resources for the purpose of reaching the Hispanic community within North America. This ministry is part of Church Advancement.
Visit WebsiteSr. Bible Quizzing
The UPCI Youth Ministries is proud to sponsor two levels of quizzing. The Intermediate Division is open to 12-14 year olds and the Experienced Division involves 12-18 year olds. In addition to this, the UPCI Youth Ministries produces several quizzing resources that assist teams in preparing for competitions on the district and national level.
Visit WebsiteTexas Bible College
Texas Bible College provides an enriched and diverse learning environment for our students. Founded in 1964, our University is located in Lufkin, Texas and reflects the various backgrounds and cultures of the area. Our teachers are passionate, experienced, and eager to pass on their knowledge to their students.
Visit WebsiteThe Center for the Study of Oneness Pentecostalism
Preserving and sharing the Oneness Pentecostal heritage is the mission of The Center for the Study of Oneness Pentecostalism (CSOP), originally known as the Historical Center of the UPCI. The work of preserving the history of the Oneness Movement and the United Pentecostal Church began in 1981 by Calvin and Virginia Rigdon under the direction of the Historical Committee chaired by J.L.Hall.
Visit WebsiteThe Commune-ity
The Commune-ity is a FREE website geared toward empowering youth pastors and youth workers with relevant ministry resources.
Visit WebsiteThe Jesus Message
The Jesus Message is a collection of podcasts by Dannie Hood. Usually released weekly, these are 20-30 minute messages on timely, thought-provoking subjects.
Visit WebsiteThe Stewardship Group
The Stewardship Group of the UPCI was founded in 2002, and is directed by Stephen M. Drury. The mission is to build trust and provide solutions based on Biblical Stewardship Principles for ministries, churches, and individuals. To fulfill their mission, they have put together resources for pastors, churches and church members. These resources are classified under several areas. And together, they form a complete group, The Stewardship Group.
Visit WebsiteToday’s Christian Girl
Today’s Christian Girl is a ministry for girls aged 10-18. TCG is a program where individual churches form clubs and hold monthly meetings for the purpose of teaching and training our young girls. Be sure to follow their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.
Visit WebsiteTupelo Children’s Mansion
Since 1953, over 4,000 children have been cared for through the loving efforts of our staff, including trained and experienced social workers and counselors. Our beautiful campus spans 40 acres with 27 buildings including: residence halls and staff housing, a Christian school, gymnasium, and an on-campus church.
Visit WebsiteUnited Pentecostal Church International
The United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) is a Oneness Pentecostal organization with churches, ministers, and members across the globe. With roots anchored firmly in the Bible and a vision for ministering to communities around the world, the UPCI embraces its mission to carry the whole gospel to the whole world by the whole church.
Visit WebsiteUPCI General Conference
This is the annual General Conference of the United Pentecostal Church International. With anointed speakers, several thousand people in attendance, and an exhibition area, this is a powerful, unifying event. Attendance is free, but registration is required, which opens in April of each year.
Visit WebsiteUrshan College
The mission of Urshan College is to educate, equip, and empower Apostolics for life and servant leadership in the church and the world. The vision of UC is aspiring to reach the world and equip the church by educating Apostolic servant leaders one student at a time.
Visit WebsiteUrshan Graduate School of Theology
The mission of Urshan Graduate School of Theology is to provide training, development, advanced studies, and a research center to prepare Apostolic men and women worldwide for Christian service.
Visit WebsiteWomen in Ministry
Women in Ministry exists to facilitate communication, visibility, mentoring, and training tools for women involved in ministry in the UPCI. They provide a network for credentialed women ministers to connect with one another. WIM's objective is to provide training and mentoring of women involved in ministry and to provide a secure means to offer encouragement, support, and communication.
Visit WebsiteWomen of Worth
Women of Worth Ministry offers encouragement and support for ministers’ widows. Operating as an arm of Ladies Ministries for ministers’ widows whose position has changed, they recognize each widow as “Women of Worth."
Visit WebsiteWorld Network of Prayer
The World Network of Prayer provides prayer resources, tools, and services for individuals, prayer leaders, local churches, and districts. The vision of the World Network of Prayer is to advance the kingdom of God globally through the dynamic power of prayer.
Visit WebsiteYouth Ministries
This is the national Youth Ministries resource. Here you can find all the latest about the many Youth ministries, programs, conferences and resources.
Visit Website