world network of prayer

World Network of Prayer

O U R  V I S I O N

Our vision is to further advance the kingdom of God globally and to positively impact the masses through the dynamic power of prayer.

O U R  M I S S I O N

Our mission is to promote and engage people in fervent prayer and to provide effective prayer support for UPCI leaders, constituents, and others worldwide.

O U R  O B J E C T I V E S

We strive to provide quality prayer resources, tools, and services for individuals, prayer leaders, local churches, and districts. The World Network of Prayer is a community that serves as a resource center to distribute and receive prayer agenda and needs as well as to involve individuals and churches in prayer ministry to support the UPCI’s mission to carry “the whole gospel to the whole world by the whole church.”

We strive to provide an Apostolic voice of influence in the world by effectively transmitting the vision of prayer to result in revival, harvest, and church growth.

world network of prayer
christopher paolini
Christopher Paolini

WNOP Director