Men's Ministries
Men’s Ministry is the active pursuit of men in order to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for the purpose of winning, growing, and training God’s man in Christ.
We know one thing for sure — God will use the heart and life of anyone who chooses to make himself available to Him. The Bible says, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” This is the great commission spoken by Jesus Himself. In other words, Jesus Christ is commissioning His followers to go into the entire world and reproduce believers. This is a big calling.
This raises several questions. How do we reproduce believers? Can a men’s ministry enable a man to better understand his calling in life and how to achieve it? Can a men’s ministry challenge a man to grow deeper in intellect, emotion, and spirit? Can a men’s ministry teach men how to stay sexually pure? The answer to these questions is a resounding yes!

Dominion Bible Study
In this four-part series, powerful ministers of the gospel share the good news: that it is possible to take dominion over yourself, Satan, circumstance, and sin.
Designed for personal use or group study, this booklet contains powerful truths of God's Word, along with challenging questions and exercises that will help you apply it to your life. Scripture references and everything you need is included.
You were designed for dominion. Now... take it.

District Officials

Juan Cabello
Men's Ministries Director

Joseph Kitchens
Men's Ministries Secretary

Steve Austin
Section 1 Leader

Craig McKenzie
Section 2 Leader

Don Casper
Section 3 Leader