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North American Missions

Until Jesus comes, North American Missions needs to be in the forefront of our collective consciousness. The future is bright; more preachers than ever are expressing an interest in becoming church planters. The story of North American Missions is one of visionary success and vitality.

Some UPCI History

In 1952, there were 1,321 UPCI churches; today there are more than 4,000 UPCI churches in North America.

In 1952, the North American population was 181,981,356; today there are 388,000,000 people.

In 1952, the ratio was one church per 137,760 people; today the ratio is one church per 97,000 people.

North American Missions works!

Purpose & Vision

To Acquaint our constituency with just how under-evangelized North America is. As of 2009, 38 countries around the world report having more churches per capita than we have in the United States and Canada.

To Promote the effectiveness of new churches as an evangelistic tool. From our last survey, North American Missions churches averaged 38.6 in Sunday attendance. The attendees are people who generally would not have been in church less than five years ago. Across the board, no other church growth effort is as effective as starting another church.

To Establish a broader base to fund North American Missions. Friends of American Missions is a monthly partnership that funds Mission North America, and other resources. Endowment funds have been established and donor-directed funds have been received. This is another tiny seed that will eventually be a mighty oak.

To Raise the profile of church planters in each district. What gets honored gets repeated. Every newly-licensed preacher in every district should be given the opportunity to consider planting a church.

District Officials

dan kantola
Dan Kantola

N.A.M. Director

tj jackson
Thomas Jackson, Jr.

N.A.M Secretary

Bruce Meadows

Section 1 Director

Christopher Atchison

Section 2 Director

daniel norris
Daniel Norris

Section 3 Director